Ethiopia’s Nuclear Future:- Working with Russia to Plant the Plant

More than 60 percent of the country’s population is still without access to electricity. As a result, she was forced to look for alternatives to water, wind, and geothermal energy. One of these and reliable sources of energy is nuclear power. The country has long been interested in the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, but has recently made significant strides in using nuclear energy as a source of energy.
Ethiopia and Russia are working together to launch the first phase of the nuclear project. At the Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi, Russia, Ethiopia agreed to work with Russia on the peaceful use of nuclear technology. A framework agreement has been signed. The agreement allows Ethiopia to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and the two countries have agreed on joint measures within the framework of the Nuclear Power Plant and the Nuclear Science Project.
According to Dr. Tilahun Tesfaye, a professor and researcher of nuclear physics at the Department of Physics at Addis Ababa University; It is commendable that Ethiopia has begun to implement its desire to use nuclear energy. In particular, the ratification of the two countries’ agreement to work together is a major step in the right direction, taking into account scientific and technological developments.
Ethiopia’s economy is growing and expanding. After a few years, even if the country uses its current energy sources, it will not be able to sustain the economy. So it needs to be addressed now. They say that focusing on nuclear power is a good start. Nuclear power is vital to the country. Nuclear energy, in particular, is a reliable source of energy, not invulnerable to nature and climate change. Nuclear energy is not irregular but is used to obtain a more stable source of energy. Especially a poor country like ours needs energy freedom and security. This will greatly contribute to the economic and political stability of the country. For these reasons, the importance of nuclear power to Ethiopia is not a luxury; It is basic.
According to Dr. Tilahun, most of the non-nuclear energy sources use a lot of space, pollute the environment and are unsafe. For example, Ethiopia’s use of hydroelectric power is unreliable. If there is a series of droughts in Ethiopia for two or three years, the country will suffer not only for agriculture but also for electricity. When nuclear technology was introduced in Ethiopia, it had many related benefits in addition to power generation. It allows the production of nuclear medical equipment. Nuclear radiation from a nuclear reactor provides enormous research benefits.
It will be a great help to the country in its efforts to use its minerals. In particular, they say, it will help her use her tantalum resources wisely. How much tantalum is extracted from the soil, how many other minerals it contains, how much uranium it contains is currently being investigated and exported and paid for in dollars. Laboratory results are being tested abroad and export certificates are being issued. But if the country starts using nuclear technology, it can be identified here.

About 30 percent of the fruits and vegetables grown in Ethiopia are out of stock due to storage problems. Many countries explain that radiation can be extended by treating potatoes, tomatoes, and other products. Food self-sufficiency requires not only production but also storage. Thus, they say, nuclear technology will help the country’s efforts to become self-sufficient in food. In terms of inputs, the country also has inputs for nuclear power. According to Dr. Tilahun, the source of nuclear energy is uranium. Wherever there is radon gas in the air, there is uranium in the ground. Studies show that uranium is found in Ethiopia. But the item needs to be checked. 99.3% of the earth’s uranium will not be fossil fuels.
This means that it cannot be used to produce nuclear power. Only 0.7 percent can be used for power generation. So first you need to refine and enrich uranium in the ground. Technology that enriches uranium into fossil fuels is a powerful technology. Cooking technology is difficult in many countries. There are only a handful of countries in the world that can sell uranium for fuel.
Not all countries with the technology can enrich uranium. They buy and use uranium from rich countries. With its current capacity, it may be difficult for Ethiopia to enrich uranium. This technology can come in the long run. “If Ethiopia imports the technology and lays the groundwork, future generations will be able to enrich uranium,” said Dr. Tilahun. “Ethiopia’s efforts to launch this technology will enable our children to think about the future, not the future,” he said.
Given the country’s capital capacity and the number of trained manpower in the sector, the use of nuclear technology for power generation may seem daunting at first, but not impossible for Ethiopia. There are studies in the field of nuclear technology. When a country first builds a nuclear power plant, the initial cost can be very high. It can be a lot compared to the construction of a hydroelectric power plant. But nuclear power is a very stable, sustainable source of energy and the risk is low compared to other sources of energy.
In particular, if we consider the potential benefits of nuclear technology to the country beyond power generation, it may be cheaper than other sources of energy. Considering the related benefits and the long-term cost, it can be said that the technology is effective. Nuclear power is very efficient in terms of space. A hydroelectric dam can cover many districts. If a nuclear power plant like the Renaissance Dam is built, it can be done in a small space. At the Addis Ababa University’s main campus, nuclear power can be generated equal to that of the Renaissance Dam.
Compared to other sources of energy, they say that nuclear technology is a clean source of energy. The security situation in the nuclear industry has not improved since the Industrial Revolution. This can be verified from many sources. Security is one of the biggest names in the nuclear industry. The nuclear industry is known for its safety. In the last 50 years, there have been at least 10 catastrophic accidents involving nuclear power plants. This indicates that it has a better security history than any other industry.
Dr. Tilahun says there is a tendency to fear nuclear technology because of the widespread misconceptions surrounding nuclear and environmental pollution. Nuclear technology is safe. The safety of a nuclear power plant is much higher than that of any other industry, as it operates internationally and is controlled by an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
If Ethiopia has a source of nuclear power, not everything will end with Ethiopians. Compliance with international standards and regulations is required. Institutions, such as the Atomic Energy Agency, have the power to maintain standards, but they are also known to provide a lot of support to countries that use such technology for peaceful purposes.
In addition to bringing the technology into the country, the necessary preparations need to be made. When it comes to technology, it’s not just about power generation. It comes with a control panel. According to the Radiation Protection Authority, there is a need for a competent, organized and independent institution to monitor the use of nuclear technology. That institution is filled by professionals. Therefore, when technology comes into the country, the first important thing is to train more manpower. All people transporting goods and equipment and doing other related work must be trained.
The second focus is on nuclear infrastructure. When a country imports nuclear technology, it needs complete infrastructure related to nuclear technology. There is a need for people trained in regulatory and legal frameworks. There is a need for people who are trained in nuclear law. We need lawyers and regulators who understand and implement nuclear laws and treaties. These should be institutionalized. Taken together, these are called nuclear infrastructures.
“Mankind’s technological breakthroughs, from the inception of fire, require their own care. We are careful not to look at the fire and say we will not start a second fire. ” Dr. Tilahun: Similarly, some developments in nuclear technology suggest that it is inappropriate to look at the technology and avoid it, as it is seen as a black dot on a large white screen. There is an international institution that protects nuclear safety. In addition to what the institution does, it is important to establish a governmental, legal regulatory framework in the country through policy and legislation. He explained that radiation protection, installation safety and emergency preparedness need to be ensured from now on.
Most people do not know about the benefits of nuclear technology but about the bomb. There is fear. There is also the fear of hatred. But we cannot be afraid of being separated from the rest of the world. Therefore, it is important to create awareness in the community. The technology needs to be widely taught and promoted. Teaching is the role of educational institutions and promotion is the role of the media.