Experiences To Expect In Ethiopia When Visiting
Welcome to Ethiopia. Here are somethings to experience while visiting.

Visiting Ethiopia can be one of the most breath-taking experiences for a foreigner. However, there are specific mannerisms one has to adopt in order to get an enriching experience of the unique cultures of Ethiopian people.
Photography and filming
- Ethiopian landscapes are amazing and magnificent. It is a home to unique archeological discoveries that have shaped the origin of mankind and history in general.
- Diverse and beautiful landscapes such as valleys, waterfalls, volcanoes, their dry deserts and rainforests are worth filming.
- In addition to these scenic places, volcanic hot springs located in Danakil Depression in northeastern part of Ethiopia leaves a permanent imprint in one’s mind.
- However, a foreigner in Ethiopia wishing to take photos and films in these breath-taking places is required to write an application letter showing interest to take photos and films.
- Consequently, the application ought to be duly signed by the Chief Bureau and addressed to the government and the Office of Communication Affairs.
- Once the letter is approved, one is free to take photos and films in tourist sites.
Time concept and punctuality
- Just like any African country, time concept in Ethiopia is not held with much importance.
- Rigidity in schedules and meetings is not part of the Ethiopian culture. Meetings here are known to start with lots of social pleasantries characterized with drinking coffee and tea.
- Satisfaction and agreement in meetings are what determine the time which a meeting ends and not during a scheduled time.
- Greetings that are quite formal and courteous happen in business meetings with government officials being referred as “Excellency” without necessarily calling out their names.
Religious and cultural sacred sights
- Ethiopians are mysterious beings whose history and way of life dates back to the ancient churches in history.
- Consequently, the most stunning sacred place worth stopping at is Lalibela that act as an important symbol of old Jerusalem which is believed fell on the hands of a Muslim leader called Saladin.
- Southwest Ethiopia has also long been viewed as sacred lands by the indigenous Gamo people who are known to worship nature.
- Moreover, the Nur Mosque in Addis Ababa is the oldest temple held with lots of importance as it is believed to reflect power and greatness of the unique Islamic architecture.
- Plan to visit St. George’s Cathedral located on the northern part of Churchill Avenue Road. It is amazing with its distinctive octagonal shape with a museum inside. It is believed that the museum has weapons that were used to fight Italians who were defeated during the battle of Adwa in 1896.
Wildlife and vegetation
- Ethiopia is home to the most indigenous plants and the rarest wildlife in the world.
- Interestingly, the country is endowed with diverse topographical features. These encompasses of flat plateaus, lush rivers, rugged mountains and beautiful plains.
- Vegetation here has always been described as Afro-montane and Afro-alpine respectively.
- With Afro-alpine, the southeastern part of Ethiopia consists of rocks in the mountains that are volcanic in nature with soil temperatures being very low.
- Plants found here are drought resistant and are more succulent with very low statue
- On the other hand, Afro-montane vegetation found in the plateau areas of the country have volcanic rocks that have toxic soils in the northeastern part.
- Endemic species have long been discovered to be in the Ethiopian mountainous forests.
- Simien Mountains is a home to the rarest and large mammals such as the Walia Ibex, a wolf believed to be endangered and the Gelada Monkeys.
- Unfortunately, due to deforestation as a result of human settlement, these species’ number has declined over time.
- Beautiful birds’ species such as the wattle ibis, the white-billed, the thick-billed raven and the white-collared pigeons are all found in Bale mountains.
- In addition, the fascinating Lammergeyer mostly known as the bearded vulture makes the Ethiopian mountains an excellent place to have a scenic experience.
Waste and its disposal
- Larger percentage of people in rural and urban areas have adopted improper practices of waste disposal due to lack of knowledge on waste management.
- Expect to see dumping of wastes everywhere even in the capital and smaller cities.
- Most people here do not have access to door to door waste collection done by manual workers in the city and rural areas.
- With these therefore, there is an urgent need to create awareness to the citizens on the proper mechanisms of waste disposal.
- A great improvement on the door to door waste collection also has to be seriously enhanced.
Office hours and weekend concept
- Offices here open at 8:30am to 5:30pm in the evening with lunch-breaks running from 12:30pm to1:30pm on Mondays to Thursdays.
- Fridays is an exceptional day as work starts at 11:30am to 1:30pm. With Saturdays, work begins at 8am to 12pm and offices are never open on Sundays.
Public holidays
- Ethiopian calendar has lots of public holidays running throughout the year with the most remarkable ones being on September 11th where people celebrate the Ethiopian New Year.
- On September 27th, locals here celebrate The Finding of the True Cross (Meskel), January 7th is the Ethiopian Christmas, January 19th is the Ethiopian Epiphany and January 24th is Prophet Mohammed’s Birthday (Maulid).
- Public holidays in the country are held with utmost importance and respect
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